After getting through a recurrence of lymphoma that damaged the base of my spine, I’m left pondering the concept of survival and how it's not as easy as it seems. In a series of interviews with people who have experienced all kinds of life-changing disease and trauma, I explore what it means to survive and perhaps, at some point, live happily ever after.
Dustin Watson: After fleeing a military coup, trying to find normal again
Dan Klotz
Season 1
Episode 13
"...As we were headed towards the airport, a large convoy of military personnel in armored vehicles were entering the city. I looked out the side window to my left, looked out to my right, where my wife was sitting, and I said, 'this doesn't look good.'"
Dustin Watson and his wife escaped Myanmar on February 20, 2021, the same day that security forces opened fire on innocent people protesting the month-old military coup. His story kicks off a new season for the Surviving podcast.